Marie's Surfside Jottings
Photo Gallery
On this page we present Marie's instant guide
to the Bondi Fashion scene.
Plus a photo gallery - just hanging out at Bondi Beach.
Bondi is no longer a solace for surfies or
the image that once
typified Sydney's summers of sun, surf and sand.
The tide has turned making way for the urban hippy,
yuppies and a youth culture that are all getting down to the
ocean view and lifestyle of the Bondi beat.
Pizzazz The rise of the upwardly mobile, caf cultured and the
young urbanites in Bondi should come as no surprise.
Bondi is just 15 minutes from Paddington, the suburb that
is a pinnacle to Sydney's innercity lifestyling.
Bondi has become a wash of Paddington pizzazz with boutiques
and caf's that create more than just a summer destination.
An abundance of events and community influences throughout
the year, intermingle to create an eclectic environment
that all can relax and enjoy.
The style is simple and casual is cool in Bondi this
makes dressing easy, cargo style street wear, simple dresses
and straight skirts are all worn with trainers or slip ons,
that can be seen as a reworking of the Australian thong icon.
The Bondi corso may still be the strip to buy that summer
bikini and surf wear but it is through cruising down the
side streets that street style is found. Gould Street lying
parallel to Campbell Parade, Bondi's main drag is home for
many eclectic stores.
Street wears ranging from cargo in all styles, denim skirts
and military style shirts can be found in Tuchuzy on Gould Street.
A collection of recycled clothing is also sold this gives street
cred at an inexpensive price. The staff here could also point
you to wear the action was happening in the way of music and parties.
Another recycled clothing store is just a few doors up
these stores are always worth a visit.
The urban hippy can pick up sari style dresses and skirts
in colourful silks and dyed fabrics from a few stores in
Gould Street as well as on Hall Street. Silver jewellery and
inexpensive bangles can also be found in the night
market stalls that are set up on the corso in Roscoe Street between
Gould Street and Campbell Parade.
Every Sunday the Bondi Markets can be found at the end of
Campbell Parade in the grounds of North Bondi Public School.
Here a mix of recycled and young experimental designer
clothing can be found. Stalls selling fab retro and
costume jewellery can be found as well as exquisitely
crafted designer jewellery.
After perusing, rummaging or buying out the markets keep
heading up Gould street for a coffee while kicking
back in the lounge style of Bamboo.
This quint caf with a 1960's oriental touch echoes a
contemporary Bondi feel as it is set back from the
Bondi strip relishing in atmosphere rather than the
typical beach scene.
On a higher end of fashion you can take a walk up
Curlewis Street to find the Paablo Nevada store.
Betty Fong is the young designer who designs upmarket
street wear with a range that bears futuristic elements.
Bondi is proving to be not just a beach but a suburb
with an eclectic fashion consciousness.
What is Hot. Sydney designer Lisa Ho,
with a store of the same name
showed her Spring/Summer range at Bondi.
The Parade was staged at the Bondi Beach surf lifesaving club.
Lisa Ho who after travelling to Jamacia
decided that there was more inspiration for swim
wear and summer at Bondi!
Melissa and Antonello
Caroline of Omer
Andrew and Jordan
Hyun and Suk-Won
Tracy and Michelle
Alex, Mat and Jessica
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Last Updated - 2nd August 2016